This was a pretty random project, at one point I started getting pretty interested in Special relativity thanks to couple random youtube
videos. I've always enjoyed more advanced parts of physics, things like Einstines thoery of relativity, Quantumn mechanics, etc. But I found
out about an interesting part of special relativity. I've always known about how gravity affects time and space, but turns out so does speed.
So basically I created a simple calculator that will calculate how long it will take to accelerate to a certain speed, assuming the acceleration
is constant. This value will be different to what one might expect due to time Dilation. The faster you accelerate, the longer it takes to accelerate.
using System;
public class calc
// This is a calculator that will calculate how long it will take to get up
// to a certain speed, taking time dilation into account.
// Hopefully.
private const double c = 299792458; // Speed of light in meters
public static double accuracy = 1; // Measured in Meters
public static double speed; // Percentage of c
public static double acceleration = 1000; // 1000 meters per second
//This is approximately equal to 1 meter as a percentage of the speed of light.
public static double time;
public static double LorentzFactor;
public static double speedPercentage = speed / c;
// 1 / SQRT( 1 - (u^2) ) --- Lorentz Factor
// u being the percentage
static void Main(){
time = 0;
speed = 0;
static void calculate(){
while( speed < (c - accuracy)){
speedPercentage = speed / c;
LorentzFactor = 1 / (Math.Sqrt( 1 - (speedPercentage*speedPercentage)) );
// How many Seconds
speed += accuracy; // m
time += (accuracy / acceleration ) * LorentzFactor;
// How many meters per second
//speed += acceleration / (1 * LorentzFactor);
//time += 1;
time = time / 60;
time = time / 60;
time = time / 24;
Console.WriteLine("Accuracy: " + accuracy);
Console.WriteLine("(m/s) Acceleration: " + acceleration);
Console.WriteLine("Days: " + time);
Console.WriteLine(" Speed: " + (speed / c));
Console.WriteLine("Lorentz factor at end: " + LorentzFactor);
using System;
public class calc
private const double c = 299792458; // Speed of light in meters
public static double speed; // Percentage of c
public static double LorentzFactor;
static void Main(){
double speedInput = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
speed = speedInput;
static void calculate(){
LorentzFactor = 1 / Math.Sqrt( 1 - (Math.Pow( (speed / c) , 2)) );
Console.WriteLine("Percentage Speed: " + speed / c);
Console.WriteLine("Lorentz Factor: " + LorentzFactor);
Forum Post: | Physics Forum |
Awesome Channel: | Mahesh Shenoy |
Useful Source: | Relativistic Rocket |
Having asked a couple different places I've learned that this isn't quite accurate. One of the main things that I will look into is what is called Coordinate Acceleration, as opposed to proper acceleration. I was also given a link to the 'Relativistic Rocket' Which somewhat does what it is I was looking into. Now although this peice of code doesn't really do anything useful, it was a good experience to get a couple questions answered. I will likely turn it into a peice of code that just find the Lorentz factor from a specific speed. So I don't have to constantly solve the equation manully each time.