Length Contraction Calculator


This was once again, another random project. Right after having made the thing for time Dilation, and getting a bit of help on that. I decided to look a little bit more into Length contraction. When I had first heard about it, I wasn't super interested. I'd thought high speeds affecting time was far more interesting. However, when I looked into it more, I got really interested. To put it simple, travelling at high speeds will literally reduce the distance you have to travel, it will warp space. The formula for how it warps space is as such.

L = L0 * SQRT( 1 - ( v^2 / c^2 ) )

I like numbers, and being able to see it properly. So the fact that there was a litteral equation like this, and was so simple, helped me to feel more motivated for it.
So I made a calculator. Nothing complex, all it does is take this equation, you input a distance and a speed, and it calculates the affect of length contraction. I may or may not make a post on this, just to double check if it is correct, but it seems to be from what I've manually calculated.

Calculator Code

              using System;

public class calc
    private const decimal c = 299792458M; // Speed of light in meters (as a decimal)
    public static decimal speed; // Measured in meters per second
    public static decimal distance; // Measured in meters
    public static decimal length;
    public static decimal properLength;
    public static decimal difference;
    public static decimal count_;

    public static string measurement = "Meters";

    static void Main()
        // Example initialization for properLength and speed
        Console.WriteLine("Length (meters)");
        properLength = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        Console.WriteLine("Speed (m / s)");
        speed = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine(), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);


    static void calculate()
        // Lorentz contraction equation: L = L0 * sqrt(1 − (v^2 / c^2))
        if (speed >= c)
            Console.WriteLine("Error: Speed cannot exceed or equal the speed of light.");

        decimal velocityRatioSquared = (speed / c) * (speed / c);
        length = properLength * Sqrt(1 - velocityRatioSquared);

        difference = properLength - length;

        //Console.WriteLine($"Contracted Length: {length:F20}, Proper Length: {properLength:F20}, Difference: {difference:F20}");

        // Pass `difference` to Convert method

    static void Convert(decimal difference)
        int count = 0;

        // Handle zero case
        if (difference == 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Measurement: Meters (m), Length: 0");

        decimal difference_ = difference;

        // Count decimal places until first non-zero
        while (Math.Abs(difference_) < 1)
            difference_ *= 10;

        string measurement;
        if (count >= 24) { measurement = "Yoctometers"; } // 10^-24
        else if (count >= 21) { measurement = "Zeptometers"; count_ = 21;} // 10^-21
        else if (count >= 18) { measurement = "Attometers"; count_ = 18;} // 10^-18
        else if (count >= 15) { measurement = "Femtometers"; count_ = 15;} // 10^-15
        else if (count >= 12) { measurement = "Picometers"; count_ = 12;} // 10^-12
        else if (count >= 9) { measurement = "Nanometers"; count_ = 9;} // 10^-9
        else if (count >= 6) { measurement = "Micrometers"; count_ = 6;} // 10^-6
        else if (count >= 3) { measurement = "Millimeters"; count_ = 3;} // 10^-3
        else if (count >= 2) { measurement = "Centimeters"; count_ = 2;} // 10^-2
        else if (count >= 1) { measurement = "Decimeters"; count_ = 1;} // 10^-1
        else { measurement = "Meters"; } // 10^0
        decimal bleh = count_;

        while (bleh > 0){
            difference = difference * 10;
            bleh = bleh - 1;

        // Output result
        Console.WriteLine($"Measurement: {measurement}, Length: " + difference);


    // Custom square root method for decimal
    public static decimal Sqrt(decimal value, decimal precision = 0.0000000000000000001M)
        if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot calculate square root of a negative number.");
        decimal guess = value / 2;
        decimal result;
            result = guess;
            guess = (result + value / result) / 2;
        } while (Math.Abs(result - guess) > precision);
        return result;

Forum Post: None Yet
Awesome Channel: Mahesh Shenoy

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Relativity Studies

What I Learned

Length contraction is fascinating, and I mostly made this calculator becouse I wanted to know the affects it would have on short distances and small speeds. Even though the affect is negligible, I thought it might be a pretty cool random fact that I could keep on me at all times. For example, did you know, that when you run a hundred meters, (so average speed of 3m/s.) Due to length contraction, you are actually only covering 5 Femtometers less than a 100 meters.
Now this is neglible, as a Femtometer is increadibly small, but its still pretty cool.